Editorial Workflow

Regulations on Article Peer Review

Article 1 (Official Name)

This regulation is referred to as the article peer review policy (from now on referred to as "regulation") of the editorial board of the journal of intraoperative neurophysiologic monitoring.

Article 2 (Purpose)

The purpose of this regulation is to ensure the smooth, efficient publication of the journal by specifying the evaluation process on submitted articles.

Article 3 (Scope of Application)

The reception, review and adoption of papers are subject to this regulation.

Article 4 (Reception of Manuscripts)

Only manuscripts conforming to the submission regulations will be accepted, and any missed papers will be returned immediately. The received manuscripts will be given the reception date and receipt number after evaluation process.

Article 5 (Review Process and Publication Determination)

① After the editor-in-chief or the secretary evaluates the suitability of submitted manuscripts regarding their area, format and volumes, the manuscript shall be requested to re-submit or proceed with review process.

② Based on peer review by at least two reviewers, the editor-in-chief notifies the evaluation results to authors: 1) accept, 2) accept with minor revision, 3) major revision, may be acceptable, 4) major revision, may be rejectable, 5) reject.

③ Of the above results, 2), 3) and 4) are notified to the author so that the author can revise and supplement the manuscript. In the case of 5), if two reviewers make the same decision, the editorial board shall follow the decision. If only one reviewer's decision is applicable, the decision of the editor-in-chief or the third reviewer will be followed.

④ If the review result is determined as accept with minor revision or major revision, the corresponding author should send revised manuscript and point-by-point responses to the reviewer comments to the editorial board. The author also should highlight the changes to the manuscript within the document by using the track changes mode in MS Word or by using bold or colored text. The editorial board reevaluates the articles and collects final decision from the reviewers.

⑤ If the author does not submit a revised manuscript within one month after notification of the review result, it shall be regarded as a waiver.

Article 6 (Not Adopted)

If the editor-in-chief admits that the content of the manuscript falls under one of the items listed below, it shall be deemed "unacceptable" and shall not proceed with the article peer review.

1. Originality is not clear

2. The facts or conclusions found by the author are not clear in the content of the manuscript

3. In the case of known facts, it is not obvious that a comprehensive analysis or consideration is made at a different angle from the method or viewpoint indicated in the document cited.

4. There are other reasons deemed inappropriate for publication in this journal.

Article 7 (Selection Criteria and Appointment of Reviewers)

① The reviewers should be at least two people per papers.

② The reviewers will be selected from among those with outstanding research achievements and external activities in the field of intraoperative neurophysiologic monitoring.

③ The members of the editorial committee recommend the reviewers more than one time, and the reviewers shall be confirmed by the editorial committee meeting.

④ The appointment of the reviewers is decided by the editor-in-chief or the secretary. If there is a situation in which the commissioned reviewers cannot proceed the review, another reviewer shall be immediately appointed.

⑤ In the commissioning of the reviewers, the reviewers of universities and hospitals where the author work should be avoided.

⑥ The editor-in-chief should promptly notify himself or herself and request the evaluation of the article when reviewers of the article are commissioned, and may pay the reviewers a predetermined review fee.

Article 8 (Duties of Reviewers)

① The reviewers should be conduct an objective and rigorous article review according to academic judgment that takes into consideration recent academic trends.

② The reviewers should review the article based on the suitability of the system, the originality of the contents, the clarity of the logic, and the academic contribution.

③ The reviewers should examine the received manuscripts within the specified period after commissioning, and return the review report to the editorial board.

④ If the reviewer cannot review the manuscript, he/she should immediately return it to the editorial board together with a letter of reasoning that cannot be reviewed.

Article 9 (Duties and Rights of Editorial Board)

① The names of the reviewers should not be announced at all.

② The content of the review can be viewed by the author, the editor-in-chief and the relevant editorial member, but must be kept confidential and should not be published at all.

③ Within one week after receiving the report of the reviewers' evaluation, the editor-in-chief should send the copy to the author.

④ The editorial board documents all the procedures, processes and results of the review.

Article 10 (Maintenance of Confidentiality)

The reviewers must keep secrets that they believe should be kept confidential.

Regulations on Article Publication

Article 1 (Official Name)

The official name of this journal is "Journal of Intraoperative Neurophysiology ( J Intraoper Neurophysiol)".

Article 2 (Publisher)

The publisher of this journal is the chairman of the Korean Society of Intraoperative Neurophysiological monitoring. When the tasks of the former and new publisher and the editor-in-chief are overlapped at the time of publication, they can be described in the journal.

Article 3 (Editor)

The editor-in-chief of the Korean Society of Intraoperative Neurophysiological monitoring is the editor.

Article 4 (Editorial Board)

The editorial committee members shall be elected in accordance with the regulations of the editorial committee.

Article 5 (Publication of the Journal)

The editor-in-chief and the relevant editorial member discuss the practices related to publishing articles at the Editorial Committee meeting.

The number of times of publication is two times a year, and the issue date is June 30 and December 31.

The date of publication of the manuscript shall be the date determined by the editor-in-chief or editorial committee.

Article 6 (Reception, Review and Publication of Manuscripts)

The reception, review and publication of manuscripts shall be left to the editorial board.

Article 7 (Collection of Final Manuscript Version)

The receipt period for the final manuscript is one week from the date of publication confirmation.

Upon receipt of the final manuscript, the editorial board check the manuscript and ask the authors to correct the typographical error or unclear picture.

The order of publication of final manuscripts is decided by the editorial committee based on the type of manuscript and date of publication.

The editorial committee is responsible for all matters relating to the publication of the manuscript.

Article 8 (Manuscript Printing)

When the editorial committee makes a decision to issue the manuscript, the manuscript is handed over to the print shop.

When the confirmation of the printed copy is completed, the final printing is done by the decision of the editor-in-chief.

Article 9 (Cost of Publication)

The issuing costs is determined by the board of directors and then is approved by the Society.

Article 10 (Publication)

The number of publications is determined by adding an extra margin to the number of society members.

Article 11 (Distribution)

1. This journal is distributed only to members of the society.

2. Since this article is not for sale, it is prohibited for commercial purpose (bookshop sale, reproduction).

3. Distribution of extra articles is only for members of the society.