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Title Page Manuscript Copyright Transfer Agreement Checklist

Types of Manuscript

J Intraoper Neurophysiol publishes Original articles, Reviews, Case reports, and Brief communications.


The submitter’s qualifications are available to anyone who are active members or, associated members of KSION, or who has undertaken all clinical and basic research related to intraoperative neurophysiologic monitoring. Authorship is credited to those who have direct involvement in the study and have made significant contributions to substantial contributions to the conception or design of the work; or the acquisition, analysis, or interpretation of data for the work; and drafting the work or revising it critically for important intellectual content; and final approval of the version to be published; and agreement to be accountable for all aspects of the work. The primary investigator is designated the first author and corresponding author of the study, and the corresponding author is directly responsible for communication and revision of the submitted manuscript. If the author wishes to have more than one primary investigator, the editorial committee discuss the issue and make a decision. In the case of change of authorship, a written explanation must be submitted. Change in either the first author or the corresponding author requires approval by the editorial board, and any changes in the other authors require approval by the editor-in-chief.


The submitted manuscript should not be published in any other media in any languages, and judged on the premise that it has never been published. It is not allowed to duplicate publication of article (in part or whole). In the case of duplication, it is possible to disadvantage such as duplicate publication notice, withdrawal of publication and restriction of future publication in accordance with the principle set by the editorial committee.

General principles

Use Microsoft Office Word (versions after 2003). Ensure correct spelling and grammar. Set up the MS word document for 3-cm margins on A4-sized paper. The manuscript must be written in 10-point font and the sentences must be double-spaced. Each page should be numbered in the middle of the lower margin and all sentences must be numbered sequentially throughout the entirety of the manuscript, starting with the title page.

All manuscripts can be written in English or Korean, and Korean manuscript must include English abstract. Medical terminology translation follows the latest medical glossary published by the Korean Medical Association. In the case of Korean manuscripts, medical terminology, proper nouns, drug names, and units without appropriate translations are used as they are. Inevitably, when using a foreign language, make sure that the upper and lower case letters are correctly distinguished. In principle, the first letter should be capitalized and the other letters should be written in lower case. If there is a translation but the meaning is not clear, in the first description of the term, it should be written in the original language in the parentheses following the translation, and then only the translation will be used. Numbers should be written in Arabic numerals, but must be spelled out when placed in the beginning of a sentence. Measurements should be reported using the metric system, and all units be reported in International System (SI) of Units. Use of abbreviations should be minimized, and when using an abbreviated word, it should be spelled out in full on first usage in the manuscript followed by the abbreviation in parentheses.

Order of manuscripts for original articles

The manuscript for original articles should be organized in the following order: 1) title page, 2) title of the manuscript, 3) abstract and keywords, 4) introduction, 5) materials (or subjects) and methods, 6) results, 7) discussion, 8) conflict of interest, 9) acknowledgements (if necessary), 10) references, 11) tables, and 12) figures and photos.

Figures and photos should be inserted at the end of the manuscript as Hangeul or Microsoft word file. Figures and photos should be submitted with online submission system as separate files, named as the number of figures of the text and figure legends in in JPEG, TIFF, GIF, EPS format, or Microsoft PowerPoint file (ex: Fig1.jpg).

Title page

Title page should be described the title of the article, full names of authors, institutional affiliation(s) with each author in Korean and should be followed by same contents in English. English name should not be described in initials.

If authors belong to different organizations, the chief research organization should be specified in the first place and other ones shoulder be specified in order of Arabic numerals (e.g. 1,2,3).

In the title page, the corresponding author must be identified, and his or her contact information (postal address, e-mail, telephone and fax numbers) should be listed and if necessary, financial support might be described as a footnote.

Title of the manuscript

The title of the manuscript page should contain only the Korean title and English title. Do not include author information on the title page for a blind peer review. The author names should not appear on this page.


Titles should be short, specific, and informative to present clearly the objective of the study and should not use the expressions, such as "study about---" or "clinical study about---"

The Korean title should use the academic terms listed in the newest version of the medical glossary published the Korean Medical Association (KMA). If an original term has its translation whose meaning is unclear, place the original in a small parenthesis after its translation. When there is no appropriate translation, use their originals in the manuscript. If foreign-language words are needed, it should be written with capital letter as the first letter of the noun or adjective cited. Drug names in the title should be written with generic names, not product names.


Abstract should summarize the content in English and should not exceed 250 words. A structured abstract should include the headings of objective, methods, results, and conclusion. Use complete sentences and do not number the results. At the end of the Abstract, list up to 5 relevant Keywords which are in accordance to the Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) in the Index Medicus ( Keywords should be written in small alphabetic letters and separate each word by a semicolon (;). The abstract of the case report should be non-structured, with no more than 3 Keywords attached. Brief communications should not describe abstract and keywords.


Introduction should clearly present the objective of the study and a brief background to inform the readers of the relevance of the study may be necessary.

Materials & Methods

Describe the participants or research materials of the study, divided by subsection titles and describe the experimental methods in a logical and systematic manner so that they can be reproducible by another investigator. Explain in detail the inclusion and exclusion criteria for both the experimental and control groups. Experimental drugs should be stated in the generic name. When proprietary brands are used, include the brand name and the name of the manufacturer in parentheses after the first mention of the generic name. When using experimental devices or other products, state the brand name then follow with the name of the manufacturer, city (state), and country in parentheses, e.g., Flow Cytometer (Coulter Electronic Inc., New York, NY, USA). To ensure anonymity during the peer review process, the authors' affiliations or institutional setting of the study should not be revealed. Subsection titles should be listed in order to 1., 1), (1), A), (A).

Precisely describe the methods of statistical analysis methods and computer programs and statistical analysis and criteria for determining significance should be described.


Results should be summarized and described logically the significant findings and trends observed in the results, giving the main or most important objective. Results can be sectioned by subsection titles listed in order to 1., 1), (1), A), (A). Avoid extensive repetition of contents of the tables and figures in the text. In statistical expression, mean and standard deviation should be described as mean ± SD, and mean and standard error as mean ± SE. The letter 'p' in p-value is written in the lower case.


Refrain from excessive review of historic studies, textbook facts, or irrelevant references. Interpret the results in respect to the objective of the study, and describe differences with previous studies and significant findings which lead to the deduction of the conclusion. Accentuate newly obtained observations from the study, and include significant limitations of the study. Do not repeat the results in detail or other information that is given in the Introduction or the Results section.


Conclusions should avoid unqualified statements that are not adequately supported by the data and describe briefly novel findings of the study, according to the purpose of the study.


If necessary, persons who have made contributions to the study, but who are not eligible for authorship may be named in this section. Their contribution must be specified, such as data collection, financial support, statistical analysis, or experimentation.


When writing a reference list in Vancouver style:

  • - Number all references.
  • - Arrange your list in the order in which the references appear in your text.
  • - If there are more than 6 authors, list the first 6 authors followed by “et al.”
  • - Use official abbreviations for titles of journals (if available).

The Vancouver style for in-text citation

When using the Vancouver style in-text:

  • - Write the reference with an Arabic number in square brackets after the citation.
  • - If you reference a source more than once, use the same number you used the first time you referred to that particular source.
  • - If you cite several sources in one sentence, cite them as [2-4] to refer to sources 2, 3 and 4 and [2-4,8] to refer to sources 2, 3, 4 and 8.
  • - You need to give a reference even when the author's name is stated in the sentence.
In-text citations

Affect was measures with the Positive Affect and Negative Affect Scale [5,6]

Affect was measures with the Positive Affect and Negative Affect Scale [9-11]

Affect was measures with the Positive Affect and Negative Affect Scale [5,9,13]


Quotations of 3 lines or fewer are placed in quotation marks (before and after). Quotations of more than 3 lines should have their own indented paragraph, without quotation marks.


  • - Short quotation: “Sitering vil si ordrett gjengivelse av andres arbeider. Da skal det være ordrett, og ikke misbrukt i forhold til den sammenheng sitatet brukes i” [3, p. 125].
  • - The author’s name is a part of the text: Stene defines quoting as: ““Sitering vil si ordrett gjengivelse av andres arbeider” [3, p. 125].
  • - Source with authors: Furseth and Everett write that: “Ved direkte sitater skal henvisningen gi informasjon om forfatter, årstall og sidetall” [4, p. 141].
Indirect quotations (paraphrases)

An Indirect quotation (paraphrase) is a reformulation of the original text.


  • Furseth and Everett [4] maintain that the primary reason behind use of references and bibliography is the idea of research as a collective endeavour.Research should be verifiable, and those reading your work should be able to find those sources your material is based upon.


Reference to a journal publication:

Reference to a journal publication with an article number:

  • - Petitti DB, Buckwalter JG, Chiu V. Blood pressure levels before dementia. Arch Neurol. 2005;62(1):112-6.
  • - American Diabetes Association. Diabetes updates. Nursing. 2003;Suppl:19-20, 24.
  • - Zhao L, Li H, Han D. [Effects of intestinal endotoxemia on the development of cirrhosis in rats]. Zhonghua Gan Zang Bing Za Zhi. 2001;9 Suppl:21-3. Chiniese.

Reference to a book:

  • - Hartmeier W. Immobiliisierte Biokatalysstoren. [Immobilized biocatalysts]. Berlin: Springer-Verlag; 1988. 212 p. German.

Reference to a chapter in an edited book:

  • - Daube JR. Physiology. In: Newer MR, editor. Intraoperative monitoring of neural function. Amsterdam: Elsevier; 2008. p. 7-43.

Reference to press news

  • - Kennedy D. I won't start pulling my punches, says Brookes. The Times (London Ed.). 2016; 8 (col. 1).

Reference to a website:

  • - Cancer Research UK, Cancer statistics reports for the UK. aboutcancer/ statistics/cancerstatsreport/, 2003 (accessed 13 March 2003).

Reference to a dataset:

  • - Oguro M, Imahiro S, Saito S, Nakashizuka T. Mortality data for Japanese oak wilt disease and surrounding forest compositions [Internet]. 2015 Aug 17 [cited 2018 Oct 6]. London: Mendeley. Available from:

Note shortened form for last page number. e.g., 51–9, and that for more than 6 authors the first 6 should be listed followed by "et al." For further details you are referred to "Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts submitted to Biomedical Journals" ( J Am Med Assoc 1997;277:927–34)


Type each table on a separate sheet in English. Table should be easy to understand and unique. The total number of tables should not exceed more than five. Title of table should be briefly written as a phrase or sentence. The first letter except article, preposition, and conjunction should be capitalized. The title of table is written above the table and footnote should be described below the table. Table must be cited in numerical order (Table 1, Table 2, etc.) in the main text. All abbreviations should be spelled out in footnote in order of abbreviation, colon, unabbreviated name (e.g., NCS: nerve conduction study). Horizontal lines should be only above and below column headings and at the bottom of a table. Vertical lines should not be used at all.

Figure legends/Figures

The authors should prepare figure legends/figures in English. Figures must also be cited in numerical order (Fig. 1., Fig. 2., etc.) in the main text. If more than two figures are used in the same number, insert alphabet after Arabic number (e.g., Fig. 1-A, Fig. 1-B) and record as a single file. Figure legends must appear on a separate page at the end of the manuscript written in Microsoft Word file. Write sentences to be understood fully without relying on the main text. Only the first sentence written in capital letters. The second sentence should be set on the starting line of the first sentence. Explain any abbreviation and symbol in the text.

Figures or photographs are inserted after their legends on a separate page. Arrows should be inserted to be easily understood. They must be uploaded as separate files as well. All images should be saved in JPEG, TIFF, GIF, EPS, or PPT format within 3 MB. The minimum resolutions required are 300 dpi. At online submission, set a file name as the same title as written in main text and legends (e.g., Fig1.jpg).

When already published figures or graphs are inserted, written consent of author should be attached, and acknowledged in the manuscript.

Articles Other Than Original Manuscript

The general guidelines abide by the original article section.

Review article

Review article is a contemplation focused on a certain topic appointed by the editorial board. The English abstract is limited less than 250 words, the number of main text less than 30, and the references no more than 60.

Case report

Case report deal with any unique features, novel diagnosis or treatment, first domestic report, peculiar features in Korean, or others accepted in editorial board. The abstract should be no more than 150 words in English. Background, methods, results, and conclusion are not separated. Keywords are limited less than 3. Introduction should be briefly written about background and significance of the case. Main texts are composed of the course of clinical features, diagnosis, and treatment. Discussion should focus on the significance of the case, and tedious review should be avoided. The number of table and figure is limited to five in total, and the number of references should not be exceed more than ten. Authors needing exception should consult the editorial office.

Brief communication

Brief communication deal with already reported findings or cases, but with any unusual features, or features that are considered to be import. Abstract and keywords are not required. The text is limited to 700 words. Up to seven references should be listed. Only one table or figure is allowed and acknowledgement should not be written.

Other Guidelines

Use of abbreviations

Use of abbreviations should be minimized and restricted to those that are generally recognized. When using an abbreviated word, it should be spelled out in full on first usage in the manuscript followed by the abbreviation in parentheses. (e.g. "abnormal spontaneous activity, ASA was observed--". After then, ASA instead of abnormal spontaneous activity can be used repeatedly, but if there is a commonly known Korean term, use of English abbreviations should be minimized.


In both of Korean and English manuscripts, leave 1 space for each side, using arithmetic marks as ±, =, +, - (minus), ×, etc. (ex. 25.3 ± 1.2). Leave no space for "-" (hyphen) between words (ex. post-stroke). In an English manuscript, leave 1 space after ",", ";", "." and ":". Using parentheses, leave no space in the Korean manuscript and leave 1 space each side in English. Leave a space between a number and a unit (ex. 50 ms). And brackets in parentheses, apply square brackets. Ex) ([ ])

Article-processing charge

There are no charges for reviewing, publication and printing, but a fee will be charged to the authors for the additional illustrating process and printing plate, English proof leading, offprints and other extraordinary printing processes.

Manuscripts after acceptance

The final draft containing the author's name and belonging in Korean and English will be submitted to the editorial committee.


Galley proofs will be sent to the corresponding author for final corrections and corrections should be kept to a minimum, must be returned within 1 week. The final manuscript will be published following final approval by the Editor-in-Chief.


The Korean Society of Intraoperative Neurophysiological monitoring (KSION) is the owner of all copyright to papers published in J Intraoper Neurophysiol, and has the right to publish, reproduce, distribute, and print the contents in other types of media. All submitted manuscripts must be accompanied by the official Submission Application & Copyright Transfer Form of the J Intraoper Neurophysiol. The form must contain the title of the manuscript, date of submission, names of all authors, authors’ affiliations, and written signatures. Note the corresponding author and provide his/her affiliation, e-mail, telephone and fax numbers, and mailing address. The completed form of official Submission Application and the copyright transfer agreement shall be submitted by fax or submitted online after scanned.

Various Policies

How to cite Journal of Intraoperative Neurophysiology (J Intraoper Neurophysiol)

It should be cited according to the Instruction to authors in journals. It can be cited according to reference citation styles as follows:

Reference citation style Example
American Medical Association (AMA) Kim D. Basic principles of intraoperative neurophysiologic monitoring. J Intraoper Neurophysiol. 2019;1(1);14-24.
American Psychological Association (APA) Kim, D. (2018). Basic principles of intraoperative neurophysiologic monitoring. Journal of Intraoperative Neurophysiology, 1(1), 14-24.
Modern Language Association (MLA) Kim, Dae Yul. “Basic Principles of Intraoperative Neurophysiologic Monitoring.” Journal of Intraoperative Neurophysiology, vol. 1, no. 1, 2018, pp. 14-24.


Authorized manuscripts will be published in PDF (portable document format) at the same time as the publication of J Intraoper Neurophysiol and posted on the homepage of the Korean Society of Intraoperative Neurophysiological monitoring. Authors can archive publisher's version/PDF.

Use of the Articles

Publisher applies the Creative Commons Attribution License to works it publishes. Under this license, publisher allows free immediate access to original works of all types and unrestricted reuse of original works of all types. Publisher applies the Creative Commons Attribution License to works it publishes and allows anyone to download, reuse, reprint, modify, distribute and/or copy the contents, even though the publisher owns the copyright. In addition, under this license, authors are allowed to publish the printed version or final PDF version, even though the publisher owns the copyright.

Embargo Policy

Authors should not disclose that their manuscript has been accepted for publication and assigned a publication date to anyone, except coauthors and contributors, until it is published. Unauthorized prepublication release of accepted manuscripts and information about planned publication date may result in rescinding the acceptance and rejecting the paper.


This journal is primarily published for physicians and neurophysiological technicians concerned with intraoperative neurophysiological monitoring. They will be able to obtain various information, including the latest findings of clinical and basic research and most recent cases.

Why Publish with Journal of Intraoperative Neurophysiology (J Intraoper Neurophysiol)

1) Guaranteed scientific quality

All submitted manuscripts are reviewed by the editorial team as well as peer reviewers. If the manuscript could not pass the initial quality control or does not adequate the aims & scope, the author is recommended to revise the manuscript accordingly or to find other journals for submission before the review process.

2) High customer satisfaction for authors, reviewers, and readers

For authors, J Intraoper Neurophysiol is not only rapid decision but also immediate publication after acceptance. There is no author-side submission fee or article processing charge. All publication cost is on the publisher. Reviewers could write comments not only to the authors but also to the editor. Their opinion is highly reflected in the editorial decision. The member of the Korean Society of Intraoperative Neurophysiological monitoring could access and download all articles without payment on the journal homepage.